Homeless but not Broken
When I tell people that I live in a homeless shelter, they often respond with comments
such as: “I'm so sorry for you,” “It must be terrible for you.” Then when I let people know that
we sleep in tents next to a sewer plant, behind U Haul, they are shocked. However, for the first
time in my life I feel safe and secure at Camp Hope. For me to feel safe and secure, I need to
know I am protected, taken care of, watched over, and comforted. It's been a long, burdensome
journey to this place of refuge.
Long before I arrived at Camp Hope, I arrived at my first foster home. Since my mom
couldn't take care of me, the State decided that a more nurturing place for me would be a loving,
caring foster home with mature, protective adults. Those who promote the foster care system
paint the perfect picture of bonding and love. For me, the foster system was a cruel, abusive,
broken system. Not all children brought up in the foster system are abused, neglected and thrown
away. Some children thrive in foster homes. However, that was not my story. Having been
abused and thrown away like a piece of garbage, never did I feel protected, comforted or valued.
Instead, I felt betrayed, confused and angry.
I never realized how broken the foster care system was for me until I became an adult
dealing with mental illness, confusion and drug addiction. Once again, the State stepped in to
help me. This time, I was admitted into a Mental Health Hospital where I
received a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder, severe depression, anxiety, and PTSD. I
also received numerous prescriptive drugs and therapy. I still didn't feel safe and secure. Instead,
I felt restless, and for the next few years, I wandered around trying to find love in all the wrong
places. For me, once again, the State and their profound wisdom let me down.
I couldn't seem to find a place I fit in; I began to wonder if I should be around at all. My
self-esteem plummeted because there was nowhere else to go, no one to trust and nothing to hold
onto. About five months ago I arrived at Camp Hope, a homeless encampment. I was penniless,
confused, and uncertain of my future. At first, I thought Camp Hope was just another barrier, like
Other organizations I had tried before. Instead, it has become a place of refuge for
me, my pets, and my fiancé.
Camp Hope is more than a place to sleep, have a shower, and receive a meal. It is a
community, a family: not like the dysfunctional families I grew up in. Our people at Camp Hope
may be broken people, but they are caring and helpful. No Other organization can provide the safety and security, and care that I feel at Camp Hope.

Camp Hope -
I am truly grateful for i everything you have
provided me within this last year. Thank you for bringing me out of the darkness and off of the "River” . I was lost for a while, not giving a crap about anyone, especially myself. Today
I have hope for a better, brighter future with my family. Thanks again,
love always, Rachel Anna fields.
Thank y'all for everything the staff and residents were amazing I'm glad God sent me y'all's way.
God bless,
Holly aka Caroline

"A Safe Place For New Beginnings"
My Story Of Hope

Today we celebrate with our friend Brian as he moved out of Camp Hope and into his own apartment. We will miss Brian and his dog named DOG.
Our Story Of Hope

Today we celebrate with Bruce and his family as they have found housing and will be moving out today. They get to return back to Toppenish and closer to family. So glad we got to get to know them over that last few months.
But sadly...our director has to find a new little pal to play hide and seek with since Ronald will be moving with his parents.
My Story Of Hope

Today we celebrate with our friend as he has been reconnected with family and will be moving out of state to stay with them. We are so happy for you and wish you the best.
My Story Of Hope

Today we celebrate with our friend Modine!!! Today she officially moves out after a year and half stay at Camp HOPE and into her own place. So proud of you !!!
My Story Of Hope

Today our friend Evelyn moved
out of Camp Hope and out on her own. We are so proud of her and are excited for the next step into getting her life back.
My Story Of Hope

Yesterday we got to celebrate with our friend Mauro as he moved out of Camp HOPE!!!! He was awarded housing and got to move into his new place!
The Solis Family
Our Story Of Hope

We wish our friends the Solis family well as they officially moved out of Camp Hope and into their home today. We will miss them and enjoyed spending Christmas and New Year with them.
My Story Of Hope

One of our guests Miss Ann got her permanent housing today! We are so proud of you miss Ann! We will miss you, but we are so happy for you!
My Story Of Hope

Today we celebrate with our friend Chantel as we were able to help her reconnect with her family in Minnesota and a anonymous donor bought her a bus ticket so she could go home. We wish her safe travel and are happy she gets to be with her family again.
My Story Of Hope

Today we celebrate our friend Judy moving out of Camp Hope and into housing!!! So happy for you Judy !!!
My Story Of Hope

Today we get to celebrate with our friend John. John is clean and sober. And been an intern for Camp Hope for several months. But all in the last week he got a job and today got his own apartment!!!! Way to go John !!! We are super proud of you and look forward to seeing you accomplish all your goals !!!
My Story Of Hope

Today we get to celebrate with our friend Lilly and her dog “itty bitty” as they move into their very own place!!!!
My Story Of Hope

Today we get to celebrate with our friend Angela. She has moved out of Camp HOPE for her own apartment!!!
My Story Of Hope

Today we say goodbye to our friend Ron. Ron has been homeless for many many years. Our outreach team found Ron, brought him and his dog to camp, and helped reconnect him with friends & family.
Ron is moving out of camp to his very own place next to his friends.
We will miss you Ron !!!
My Story Of Hope

Congratulations to our resident Shawn as he starts working for the City of Yakima in a pilot program with the Refuse Department. Thank you City of Yakima - Refuse Dept for this opportunity!!!
My Story Of Hope

Today we get to celebrate with our friend Clem who has been staying with us for several months. He is moving into his new place today!!! We are so excited for Clem and wish him the best.
My Story Of Hope

Yesterday we got to celebrate with our friend Kelly. She got to move into a house. Kelly has been homeless for a long time and has been staying at Camp Hope. We are so proud of Kelly !!!
My Story Of Hope

Congratulations to our friend Aaron who recently moved out of Camp Hope. Aaron has a job, his own place and is knocking it out of the park.
My Story Of Hope

Today we celebrate with our friend Larry Gramps. Larry has been homeless for a long time and today he is moving out of Camp Hope for his very own place !!!
My Story Of Hope

Today we get to congratulate our friend Ricco. He moved out of Camp HOPE today and into his own place
My Story Of Hope

Today we get to celebrate with our friend Billy as he moves out of Camp Hope today for his very own apartment !!! So proud of Billy !!!
My Story Of Hope

Today our guest Michael officially moved out of Camp Hope into his own apartment. We will miss you Michael but are so glad you came to stay with us.