Donate Meals

Camp Hope residents are provided lunch and dinner every day. We serve hot breakfast as resources allow and sandwiches, and other items are available on demand. We greatly appreciate the community's help in feeding Camp Hope's men, women, and children.
Meals are served daily around 6-7am (breakfast), 12-1pm (lunch), and 5:30-6:30pm (dinner). Breakfasts are grab n' go items or easily-prepared dishes like instant oatmeal or pancakes, sandwiches for lunch and Northwest Harvest provides ongoing food items as well.
How can I help?
- host a dinner with your service group, business, or church (bring/serve a fully-cooked dinner)
- fund a dinner (you buy it, we'll serve it)
- serve a dinner (bring a friend and help us serve a meal or clean up)
- donate food items, specifically breakfast and pre-packaged snack items (ie. instant oatmeal, pancake mix/syrup, coffee/condiments, granola bars, etc.)
Dinners are our biggest need
There are several ways to help with dinner. Our favorite way is when groups host a dinner by bringing and serving a fully-prepared meal. If you'd like to sign up for this, contact our meal coordinator by the email below to be added to an opening on our calendar. No Volunteer Orientation is needed for food service. You will be scheduled by our Meals Coordinator.
Another way to help is to fund a dinner. Individuals or groups can purchase (or cook) dinner, drop it off, and we will serve it to our guests. Note - all dinners must be fully cooked off-site due to our lack of kitchen facilities. There is no pressure to stay and serve. You are also welcome to simply donate money for a dinner, and we will take it from there. Contact the email on this page to get scheduled.
If you'd like to serve a dinner, but are not with a group, please let us know and we will fit you into an existing dinner service. Come alone or with a friend! Fill out the volunteer application on our for new volunteers page to get started .
Food servers do not need Volunteer Orientation.
Thank you for considering how you can help our Camp Hope guests!